Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
Many of you know that my wife is completing the finishing touches on her doctorate.
In fact, next week she will be hooded in all her new regalia at THE Ohio State University.
I couldn’t be prouder and you should expect a little more gushing in the future.
But over the last year, Beth has been IMMERSED in her learning. Every free minute up until early this week was at the laptop surrounded by reference materials and toiling away at her research. Her head rarely lifted from the keyboard. So much so her often less than reliable back and neck objected.
And now that the intensity has dwindled and the assignments submitted, she will admit she is a little “jello-y” all over. Yet it is safe to say that this past year she has MAJORED in doctoral studies and has been IMMERSED in research and assignments.
I do find her quite remarkable.
Especially when you realize she completed that while logging 60+ hours a week between her two careers.
But her immersion reminded me of this little quote:
“Major in the grace of God. Focus on the cross of Christ. Grow fluent in the language of redemption. Linger long at the foot of the cross. Immerse yourself in the curriculum of grace.”
Don’t you like that last line?
“Immerse’ yourself in the curriculum of grace.”
Jesus puts it this way.
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.
Matthew 6:33 (MSG)
To STEEP, you must IMMERSE for sure!
It means to dive in, get deep, cover completely, to bathe and bask in “GOD stuff”.
Bask in His Word!
Revel in His realities
Grab His grace with both hands and then willingly distribute it!
Fully embrace His provisions and instructions.
So, the question for today is...
"Are we willing to “immerse?"
No seriously.
Are you ready to STEEP yourself in grace and let that attitude dictate the day? Are you ready to follow GOD’S initiatives for the day? Are you ready to recognize and express gratitude for the provisions of GOD? Ready to learn?
GOD doesn’t want us to just dip a toe into His grace and provision today. Rather he desires a full dive into it; alert, awe-filled rather than just tepidly trolling through it.
So, the encouragement today is fairly clear.
Don’t just numbly wander through today.
Instead dive into today with open eyes, open ears, and an open mind. Bask and bathe.
Be alert! - let’s not sleepwalk through life - 1 Thessalonians 5:6 (MSG)
“We are what we think about and meditate on…” - McGill
Have a blessed weekend.
I love you all!