Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
“Now, I know in my experience that Jesus’ light is stronger than the biggest darkness.”
“Let God's promises shine on your problems.” – Ten Boom
These last 90 days or so have been some of the busiest ever in this journey of recovery ministry and work. Lots of interactions, lots of people seeking help, lots of events and discussions.
And this week has been no exception.
I was honored to travel to West Virginia this week to share with some amazing and precious folks from Beckley. It was an inspiring time with their Attorney General’s team and several ministry leaders.
I was introduced and uplifted by some truly remarkable efforts.
Fruits of Labor www.fruitsoflaborinc.com
Brian’s Safe House www.brianssafehouse.org
and of course,
High on Hope w/Tim Craft. https://www.facebook.com/HighOnHopeMinistries/
These ministries and leaders are selfless servants of GOD and others; “Beckley’s Blessings” I have decided to call them. And I would be remiss if I didn’t include a group called ONE VOICE (www.onevoicewv.org) who seeks to “EMPOWER PEOPLE TO BECOME HAPPY, HEALTHY AND WHOLE TO ACHIEVE THEIR POTENTIAL IN BOTH THEIR PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL LIVES.”
Simply put One Voice and all the others are INTENSELY GOOD at “being light”.
And as I was reflecting on our time together it caused me to think of those quotes from Corrie Ten Boom today.
One Voice along with those other new friends and partners STRIVE DAILY to bring LIGHT to some very dark situations by daily wading into the darkness of poverty and lack to illuminate it with hope.
Fruits of Labor leans on the promises of Philippians 4 and its provision to offer purpose to the disenfranchised.
Brian’s Safe House leans into the darkness of addiction and pain and creates a “lighted” and safe space for men gripped by dark pasts.
The folks from Sound Mind through the promise of a “LORD and SAVIOR” Jesus, resurrect lives once deemed for destruction and loss.
And High on Hope speaks for itself!
Friends, I mention these folks today to, 1. Encourage you to GOOGLE them and learn from them and 2. Pray for them.
I know have shared about my amazing friend Tim Craft before, a man who GOD spared from his own suicide attempt to raise him as what possibly is the most effective voice for change and recovery in all of West Virginia. I am sure he WOULD treasure your prayers!
The point today is we ALL traverse a sometimes “very dark” world and yet it is when we HEED the call of being LIGHT (Matthew 5) and when we EMBRACE the promises of GOD, the landscape and lives are CHANGED!
29 men currently at Sound Mind and countless more being given a fresh start from Leon and the team at Brian’s. Homeless and under-served folks lives are being brightened and warmed by the work of FOL, One Voice, and High on Hope.
My Beckley Blessings should INSPIRE US today to observe the FOLLOW the CALL of CHRIST to LEAN on His promises, to be fissures of LIGHT in the darkness to share HIS love with others in a WAY that INSPIRES HOPE!
For the truth is:
“Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being.” - Schweitzer
The question are WE ready to ENCOUNTER others in the same way my friends have chosen to do so?
I pray we will!
Have a blessed day!
I love you all!
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