Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
Miracles out of messes…
Seeing the CREATOR rather than the crisis…
Turning “what the hay’s into hay-lalujahs”…
Ahh…that AHOP PASTOR, Mark Brooks.
And while he does fashion himself as quite the wordsmith and even though sometimes I am not quite sure what is going on behind that Cheshire grin he sports, his insight and creativity couldn’t have been more on point yesterday.
GOD does craft and conjure miracles from messes.
GOD takes messy murderers like Saul and in a miraculous flash creates one of the most valued authors and scribes of history.
GOD takes the messy mumblings of Moses and miraculously leads millions to FREEDOM from Egypt.
GOD is in the business of "messes to miracle" moments.
Yet some days it is hard to see the possibility of a miracle for the magnitude of the mess isn't it?
I was spending some time with a dear friend G.W. yesterday afternoon at our Jeremiah Tree Ministry open house. We got to talking about his wife. Just a few years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and while seeing the experts at OSU she was given a big mess.
The report was bleak. The options limited. They were staggered as a family.
Yet as G.W. shared the story, instead of focusing on the mess, instead of fixating on the crisis, they BELIEVED for the MIRACLE. There in the parking lot at OSU they committed themselves to prayer and faith.
Then a new door opened. A surgeon in Cincinnati provided a different prognosis and a different possibility. GOD arranged for some amazing attending physicians to come along side of his wife. The unexpected and the unexplained began to happen around them. Doctors who weren’t normally available were suddenly accessible. New insights were revealed. New options surfaced. Treatment was a possibility. The mess became a miracle.
I know it! Because she was there with us yesterday full of energy, full of life, full of creativity and ready to serve at Jeremiah Tree!
Instead of allowing the mess to consume them, they believed GOD for the miracle.
Ephesians 3:20
God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!
Maybe you are mired in a mess today. Maybe the prognosis is bleak. Maybe the experts have said there is no way out, no shot for change, no chance!
I implore you. Raise your gaze! Move your focus to our CREATOR who has staged inside of you something greater than your crisis; HIMSELF!
1 John 4:4
…That’s because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Trust HIM for your miracle by believing and having faith.
Psalms 105:3-4
…you who seek GOD. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for GOD, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the world of wonders he has made, HIS MIRACLES…
Your miracle is just around the corner! Believe it!
I love you all.
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney
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