Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
Last evening I got to share with my friends at FREEDOM a little talk called “Wanna Be Healthy?”  It focused on developing “healthy habits”. And no I am not referring to exercise or diet, which are good habits in there own right, but rather on developing some simple “thought and behavioral” habits in the area of our daily walk with Christ.
They were quite simple, but if applied will make some dramatic change.  So I thought I would share just one of the 7 this morning as an encouragement.
# 5: Decide today that you are going to be “obedient” to GOD’s call and expectations for your day.
Simple enough?  I think so. GOD has set the standard, laid out a plan, and is ready with guidance.  Trust Him by obeying Him.
The passage adapted for this little habit is found in Psalm 119 and I offer it as practical MOTIVATION for your habit of obedience…
Psalm 119
1-8 You’re blessed when you stay on course,
    walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow his directions,
    doing your best to find him.
That’s right—you don’t go off on your own;
    you walk straight along the road he set.
You, God, prescribed the right way to live;
    now you expect us to live it.
Oh, that my steps might be steady,
    keeping to the course you set;
Then I’d never have any regrets
    in comparing my life with your counsel.
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
    I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
I’m going to do what you tell me to do;
    don’t ever walk off and leave me.
 9-16 How can a young person live a clean life?
    By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you;
    don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.
I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart
    so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
    train me in your ways of wise living.
I’ll transfer to my lips
    all the counsel that comes from your mouth;
I delight far more in what you tell me about living
    than in gathering a pile of riches.
I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you,
    I attentively watch how you’ve done it.
I relish everything you’ve told me of life,
    I won’t forget a word of it.
That is a great declaration isn’t it?  It pushes us to obedience!  Ponder GOD’s wisdom, step in His steps, grab every morsel of direction and counsel.  If you do, you WILL walk in obedience!
I have decided to make this little Psalm a “healthy habit” for my walk with CHRIST.  It sets my mind to obedience and it will set yours as well!
Go ahead try it! Make it a hard habit to break!
I love you all.
Pastor GDelaney

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