Friday, May 2, 2014


Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.

“Prayer is the place where suffering and compassion meet.” Joe Nicosia, CLO Kettering Health Network.
I had the privilege yesterday to attend the Greene Memorial Hospital Prayer Breakfast.  It is rare to find a “community” organization that still openly embraces and encourages prayer.  It is refreshing that the faith based roots of the Kettering Network of hospitals still run deep and prayer is cornerstone of care. 
It was a blessed morning.
As community leaders and Kettering executives offered prayer for employees, military, and children I was warmed with optimism for as we all know, prayer is powerful!
James 5:16
…The earnest prayer of a righteous man (woman) has great power and wonderful results.

Yet it was something else Joe said that caught my attention. He wondered that if the “need for prayer” could glow and be captured by an infra-red type device how powerful and bright the light would be around the hospitals in our community.  Where the suffering was the greatest, the light would be the brightest.  And where the light was the brightest would serve to invite those with compassion to pray.

My dear sweet friend Jillian wrote a beautiful lyric a couple years back that carried a similar message. “You (GOD) guide me through that place where joy and sorrow meet.”
That place for prayer.  That place where GOD reigns.

Lovely thoughts.
As Christians we are called to compassion.  We are to bring the JOY OF THE LORD which is strength to those who are in sorrow, reeling and weakened.  Our prayers are the intersection and the intercession!
James 5:13
Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray...

Take a look around you today.  Are there friends in crisis?  Is someone suffering in the cube next to you at work?  Maybe the demeanor of that friend in class has been heavy for some time now.  Have you noticed?
If you had your infra-red in working order would they be glowing?  Is it time to exercise a little compassion in the way of their suffering?  Is it time to bring joy to the sorrow for them?
Is it time to pray?

GOD does guide us through those times of suffering, whether personal or when we intercede for another via prayer.  Just expressing our hearts to him, our hurts to him, the needs of others to him He is faithful to listen and respond!
Psalm 55:22
Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them…

So take a minute today to open your heart of compassion.  I’m sure someone has already come to mind that needs your prayer.  Don’t hesitate!
Instead minister.  Bring compassion to the suffering and joy to the sorrow.
1 Timothy 2:1
...Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
We can do that can’t we?
Love you all!
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney

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