Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
Monday’s are staff meeting day and while most Monday’s are spent practically; going over the plans for the coming weeks, discussing upcoming events or outreaches, yesterday Pastor Mark opted to open the table for some discussion on “seed planting”; sowing.
He began the discussion by reading from this passage:
Parable of the Farmer Scattering Seed
Luke 8
4 One day Jesus told a story in the form of a parable to a large crowd that had gathered from many towns to hear him: 5 “A farmer went out to plant his seed. As he scattered it across his field, some seed fell on a footpath, where it was stepped on, and the birds ate it. 6 Other seed fell among rocks. It began to grow, but the plant soon wilted and died for lack of moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns that grew up with it and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seed fell on fertile soil. This seed grew and produced a crop that was a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
While Pastor paused here, I want you to continue today to get the full word.
When he had said this, he called out, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”
9 His disciples asked him what this parable meant. 10 He replied,“You are permitted to understand the secrets[a] of the Kingdom of God. But I use parables to teach the others so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled:
‘When they look, they won’t really see.
When they hear, they won’t understand.’[b]
11 “This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God’s word. 12 The seeds that fell on the footpath represent those who hear the message, only to have the devil come and take it away from their hearts and prevent them from believing and being saved. 13 The seeds on the rocky soil represent those who hear the message and receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they believe for a while, then they fall away when they face temptation. 14 The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. 15 And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.
For those on the staff this was a familiar strain, but the discussion that followed was pretty enlightening. We discussed our role as “seed planters”. We revealed that planting is a continuous activity; a calling and that accurately identifying and working the "ground" was crucial for a “good harvest”.
It was a good discussion.
I share it with you today to inspire some of the same thoughts and questions in you. What kind of seed are you sowing? Is your life and speech reflective of one familiar with GOD’s word? Do you have that WORD (those seeds) handy to share? What about “your soil”; rocky and rebellious or fertile and ready for the next planting? Is your soil susceptible to “weeds”, being choked out by culture or primed and ready for a GODLY deposit?
Be mindful that GOD has entrusted us to sow and REAP the seeds of HIS TRUTH, LOVE and MESSAGE to and with those who are around us. Sharing our faith, living a lifestyle that matches it, being messengers of the “message” is our calling as believers; as HIS faith farmers!!
So examine yourself today. Do you have seeds to sow? Could you’re “ground” use a little freshening, tilling or weeding? Remember GOD has entrusted us with this effort!
1 Timothy 2:3
…This is the way our Savior God wants us to live...
Let’s make sure we are “farming our faith” and "sowing good seed" today!
I love you all!
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney
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