Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
I used to be all about the “chase”.
Chasing the gold ring of the six figure gig, chasing my platinum status on Delta, chasing the President’s club and the all expenses paid gigs to Cancun and the like.
And as I have mentioned in some previous DISPATCH entries, I loved the “chase”.
What was funny though is once I caught “it”; whatever I was chasing there was never much “THERE” there. Do you follow me?
What I am trying to say is that often when the chase was over, the payoff sure didn’t measure up to the hype. Oh the perks were cool; the recognition slick and the first class cabin had its benefits. Yet compared with yesterday’s “moment” no “chase” can hold a candle.
Here is what I am talking about.
These days I try to “chase” less and enjoy “moments” more.
You see, yesterday was Father’s day and around 5 o’clock my family all jumped in Hillary’s car and went down to the Eakle Soccer fields to play soccer.
Now if you know my current condition you are laughing right now.
You are picturing my chubbiness and stubbiness trying to recapture my past glory on the pitch and I am sure that is giving you a chuckle. And to be honest it should. No one will be mistaking me for David Beckham anytime soon on or off the pitch.
But what was so neat was there we all were laughing and kicking the ball around; struggling to keep our feet. We had a “ball” with that soccer ball.
We were all having a simple “moment”.
No“chasing” was required.
GOD has blessed me these days with a great appreciation for the “moments”.
Seeing Hillary’s smile. Watching Sammie with a ball on her feet. Hearing Ian’s infectious giggle. Laughing while our dachshund little legs are trying to keep up with us as we ran around.
All of them “moments” to treasure.
It made me remember this passage.
Matthew 6:34
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now
And what GOD was doing yesterday was blessing me and I was paying attention.
He was expressing His love for me by letting me experience the “moment”; a Father’s day with 3 healthy kids, a goofy and troublesome pooch and their loving mom.
But that is what GOD does…
Psalm 116:7
…God has showered you with blessings.
Soul, you’ve been rescued from death;
Eye, you’ve been rescued from tears;
GOD wants to shower these kinds of blessings, these “moments” on all of us. Our job is to stop “chasing” the world long enough to pause and appreciate them!
Proverbs 10:22
God’s blessing makes life rich; nothing we do can improve on God.
So can I encourage you today?
Don’t allow yourself to become so consumed with the “chase” that you miss the “moment”that GOD has for you today. If you do, GOD will send a blessing I am sure.
He did for me.
I love you all…
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney
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