Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Have you thanked Him?

Have you praised Him?

Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?

Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?

1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)

The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.

I discover that even when I want to do good, evil is ready to sabotage me. Truly, deep within my true identity, I love to do what pleases God. But I discern another power operating in my humanity, waging a war against the moral principles of my conscience – Romans 7:21-23 (TPT)

Paul had his moments just like we do or at least I do.  Moments when my humanity, my flesh, is at war with my calling, my heart, my decisions, and my rhetoric.  And WAR is a good word for it.  It robs me of sleep, causes my mind to race and churn and allows for fearful thoughts to overtake my mind.  Thoughts like “who are you to do what you do?” Thoughts like “GOD is disappointed.” Thoughts like, “It is just a matter of time before it comes crashing down, it always has."

It is times like these that my (our) thoughts must grasp TRUTH!

“My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness. – 2 Corinthians 12:9 (TPT)

Lucado said this of SABOTAGING thoughts…

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. Do you want to be happy tomorrow? Then sow seeds of happiness today -count blessings, memorize Bible verses, pray, sing hymns, spend time with encouraging people. Do you want to guarantee tomorrow's misery? Then wallow in a mental mud pit of self-pity or guilt or anxiety today assume the worst, beat yourself up, rehearse your regrets...

He's right!

I don’t want to infect today with the missteps of yesterday. That is for sure! And the team at the PASSION TRANSLATION put together a powerful little devotion for when I (we) feel/think this way…

"It is time to forget"

The grace I pour out upon you is more full and rich than you can imagine. When My grace covers you, there is no regret. Not even the most wretched failure can exist when My grace overwhelms your soul. Not one sin is remembered when you come before Me. I have forgotten your iniquities and will not remember them ever again. Now, it is time for you to forget your past and come with Me.

So many are crippled by shame. They see everywhere a reminder of their past and guilt of sin. But you have cried out to Me and I have answered you. Now breathe in the atmosphere of love, for it is the sweet fragrance of My sacrifice that cries out from an empty cross, "Forgiveness!"

I have made you to experience Me each day and at the end of each day I call you to forget and lay aside the burdens that have troubled you. Will worry heal your family? Will anxiety bring My glory? Will carrying shame make you more like Me?

It is time to forget all that is behind you and embrace the morning light as My kiss of forgiveness. A divine beginning greets you at each dawn, for My mercies are new every morning. My mercies are strong enough to wash away the defilement of yesterday. I restore you in the morning with a new outpouring of my grace, so come to My fountain and be refreshed. It is time to forget your pain and move forward with Me. My grace is enough to strengthen you for the days to come.


Isn’t that reassuring?





Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the Beloved.

Henri Nouwen

Is it time to forget?
Time to move FORWARD?

For me? Yes!
For you?

I love you all…

Have a blessed day…


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