Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
We have all heard that old saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees” haven’t we?
And we know what it is trying to say don’t we?
It is saying that sometimes the challenges of life have a way of pressing up against us so closely and so oppressively that we can’t see ANYTHING but the trouble, the tasks and the tests that are directly in front of us.
So we can’t see a solution to the problem because we can’t visualize past the problem.We can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel because the challenge is blocking our view,
You get the picture right?
It is important to remember that old saying and from time to time, take a step back away from the trees and reset our view of the forest, or in other words look at the bigger picture; freshen our perspective if you will.
And one of the best techniques for “resetting” our perspective is by counting our blessings.Just like the old song encourages, “Count your blessings name them one by one, count your blessings see what GOD has done.”
Because when we do it serves to shift our focus from all that is pressing around us, the chaos, the circumstances, the problems and trials to what the Lord is already doing in us and for us!
You do know He is blessing us daily, right?
Ezekiel 34:26 NIV
I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill.
I will send down showers in season;
there will be showers of blessings.
I know for many of you the days have been and are quite difficult, I am not discounting that at all. What I am saying is that if you will take just take just a second to count your blessings, it will lift your spirits, improve your attitude, and energize your heart!
Psalm 144:15
How blessed are the people whose God is the LORD!
Come on, let’s make it easy.
Just take 5 minutes this morning, before you begin to bury yourself in all of the day’s drama and jot down your blessings. Need a little help?
Start with life, freedom, family, friends, air, health…
You get the picture.
Infuse yourself mind and spirit with the positives in your life before the negatives have a chance to drain you!

Still struggling to get off the dime, here’s a good one…

Romans 8:1 NASB

1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
That one ROCKS doesn’t it?
You can do it!
Put down the hammer, turn off the phone, give the “to do” list a breather and “take 5”.
Billy Graham said it this way.
Think of the blessings we so easily take for granted: Life itself; preservation from danger; every bit of health we enjoy; every hour of liberty; the ability to see, to hear, to speak, to think, and to imagine all this comes from the hand of God.
You will thank me for it J
AHH...there's that forest after all!
Have a blessed day!
I love you all
Freedom Church

Pastor GDelaney

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