Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
“I’m gonna do that!”
I’m gonna get to that meeting, get that sponsor on board, take care of that assessment.” “I was gonna to get that done but…
(insert reason here…dog ate it, there was a nuclear accident in my fridge, my ride was eaten by mutating tarantulas, the building you sent me to suddenly disappeared in a time continuum incident I think)
I know a little over the top; a little ridiculous.
But that is usually the thing about “I’m gonnas”; they are usually followed by something a little ridiculous. And just because I haven’t heard those yet, doesn’t mean someone won’t try them later this week.
Now before I go any further, I am not trying to sound salty, bitter or preachy this morning. Maybe I am airing a little frustration, but there is good reason.
More and more each day I sadly see folks so in need to embrace what GOD has for them or so ready take the next or first step in recovery only to watch them be derailed by the dreaded “I’m gonna disease.”
And sadly those “I’m gonnas” rarely become “I am's” and even more rarely become “I did's”. The truth is the enemy is wonderful at helping us procrastinate. I have bouts of it myself, I won’t lie.
“Put off until tomorrow what you could do today”, he says. “One more day in your mess won’t hurt you.” And we believe him.
We get afflicted “I’m gonna disease”.
The Bible warns about that malady.
Ephesians 5:15-17
Don’t waste your time on … the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are. It’s a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ.
Wake up from your sleep,
Climb out of your coffins;
Christ will show you the light!
So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!
Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.
We need to realize:
“I’m gonnas” keep us from realizing our potential.
“I’m gonnas” keep us from seeing GOD’S possibilities.
“I’m gonnas” cloud us from what the MASTER WANTS!
And as long as the enemy can keep us treading and not advancing, the longer he can keep us bound and struggling.
So no more “I’m gonnas” today, ok?
Instead make a commitment to DO! Ditch the “I’m gonna” and graduate to “I am”! Do it!
The GREAT “I AM” will be pleased!
Proverbs 10:5
Make hay while the sun shines—that’s smart…
Psalm 119:60
I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands…
Psalm 90:17
…and let the Lord our God favor us and give us success.
It’s “gonna” be a blessed day…
I love you all!
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney

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