Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
I will admit it. There are days in this ministry that get the best of me. Too many “bigger than me” challenges. Too many “not enough resources” issues. Everyone’s hair is on fire and my fire extinguisher is empty.
Now before you think I am looking for a pity party or an “it’ll be alright” talk, I am not. I am stating some facts. Sometimes we whip the day and other times the day whips you.
Well yesterday the day whipped me and before I knew it I was angry, frustrated, overwhelmed and edgy. And sadly this is right after counseling a sweet young girl on leaning on the Holy Spirit to help her with her rejections and challenges.
Sounds like I need to find the nearest mirror and get to practicing what I preach on myself.
Trouble is that even when I “know” better, sometimes I don’t "do" better.
And unfortunately, anger is a “door opener” to the enemy for me. Probably is for you too. Don’t ever believe it isn’t.
James 1:20
A man’s anger DOESN'T produce the kind of life God wants.
The reality is that anger leaves us wide open to temptation and to the enemy's attacks on our spiritual life! And often when anger comes in one door, our spiritual life goes out the other.
At least it happens for me that way. I don’t look or sound to PASTORAL when I am cranked up over things which often are out of my control. The enemy knows this and he can be crafty with the hot buttons and the triggers.
Proverbs 26:24
Your enemy shakes hands and greets you like an old friend, all the while conniving against you…
That is just like our enemy…
The great thing is that…
2 Corinthians 2:11
…we are not ignorant of his schemes
You and I just need to be cognizant of how vulnerable we are when we are angry.
So if we want to stay out of the sin-zone, we need to learn to control our anger. The best way to do this is to deal with frustration before it ever turns to anger. In our frustrating circumstances, God wants us to have faith and remember that He is in control and He'll use even these circumstances to mature us spiritually if we'll trust in Him through them.
Therefore when dealing with a frustrating situation, turn to Christ. Give the frustration to Him.
2 Corinthians 10:5
…take every thought captive to make it obey Christ.
This should help to diffuse the frustration and keep it from bubbling to anger.
That is what I am going to do today. I am going to try and "practice my preaching" and...
1 Peter 5:8 (MSG)
Keep a cool head (&) ...keep a firm grip on the faith.
And do my best to avoid the anger!
I love you all.
Freedom Church
Pastor GDelaney
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