Monday, September 29, 2014


Have you thanked Him?
Have you praised Him?
Have you made it your priority to agree and cooperate with Him today?
Have you taken that deep breath and listened for what He has for you today?
1 Timothy 2:1 (The Message)
1-3The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know.
Yesterday Pastor Anna from AHOP shared in both services the passage regarding the DRY BONES in the desert. You can find it in Ezekiel 37.  Give it a read when you have a few minutes.

To net it out; GOD miraculously breathed life into a mess of dry bones in the desert.

There are a lot of applications for that passage.  For example until GOD breathes into us WE can’t really understand our purpose in life.
But what I took away and wanted to share with you this morning is that often we are like those bones. We experience “dry” times in life.  We all have those times when we feel as disjointed and disconnected from GOD just as those bones in the desert did. 
(Like I said, go read the story).

And what we NEED is a breath of refreshing from the LORD.
Perhaps work has drained your spirit’s tank to bone dry. Perhaps a crisis in the family is sucking the life out of all of you.  Maybe an illness has been robbing you of sleep or steadiness and you feel disjointed.
Whatever the cause the result is that you feel “dry and disconnected" just like those bones.

GOD wants to “reconnect" with you this morning. He wants to refresh you. And HIS word will breathe in the hope you need; the refreshment you require.
Psalm 23:3 (MSG)
...God...True to (HIS) word, (will) let you catch (your) breath and send (you) in the right direction.

When we are feeling disconnected and sapped in our SPIRIT our FIRST move should be the same of the prophet Ezekiel; look for, listen to and TRUST GOD to do what GOD says HE will do.

Check this out.
Psalm 18:20-24
God made my life complete when I placed all the "pieces" before him. When I got my act together, he gave me a fresh start. Now I’m alert to God’s ways; I don’t take God for granted. Every day I review the ways he works; I try not to miss a trick. I feel put back together, and I’m watching my step. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
See that?  GOD will RECONNECT!  GOD will REFRESH.
We just have to ask.

Here is the truth.
God is in control of the times and seasons. Sometimes we feel completely connected and in tune with GOD and other times we do not.

But HIS constancy and the consistency are assured.  So HE will help us!
Hebrews 13:5
God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help;

So if you need refreshing today.  If your spirit is dry and challenged, remember the promise of GOD, take heart in the testimony of the psalmist.  GOD’s WORD and HIS PRESENCE will always welcome you to catch your breath, reconnect, find refreshment and restore your spirit!

As you drink from the deep well of Scripture, the Lord will refresh you and cleanse you…For the Bible is the very breath of God, giving life eternal to those who seek Him.” ― Francine Rivers
Have a blessed day!
I love you all
Freedom Church

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